Customizing your biome
Note that PCG is still in beta.
Last updated
Note that PCG is still in beta.
Last updated
Right-click in your project and look for Data Asset
On the creation you will have a list of data assets to create, the most important ones are... PDA_VegetationLand, PDA_VegetationOcean and PDA_VegetationRiver. Those data assets will contains all the meshes and setting of your vegetation
PDA_VegetationLand: Used to contain all the data for the lands (main biome) and the mountains.
PDA_VegetationOcean: Used to contain all the data for the ocean.
PDA_VegetationRiver: Used to contain all the data for the river.
The content of the Data Assets looks like this
You can add as many meshes as you want and individual settings for each meshes. The names are pretty much self-explanatory but here are a few more details.
Weight: Determine the chance of being selected according to the whole list, a higher number means more chance to be selected compared to the others.
Object Uniform Scale: This will force the mesh to always be uniform, only the X will be used and applied to Y and Z.
Once the data is filled you will be able to add it to your biome
Just below the "Vegetation Land" there is a Vegetation Land Setting (the same exists for the ocean, river, and mountain). Those settings are global to all the vegetation of that same category.
Density: Determine the density of the vegetation/rock from 0 to 1
Max Slope: determine the maximum slope of the vegetation/rock. From 0 to 90. For example, if the slope is set to 30, that means the vegetation will not spawn if it is 31 degrees or more.
Noise Resolution allows you to remove the vegetation/rock in a certain pattern. Higher resolution will give smaller patterns. Here is an example to show you the result where the dark part is the parti removed from the vegetation
Resolution = 2
Resolution = 6
Noise Strength: The amount of impact the noise will have to remove the vegetation. Higher strength will remove more points towards the white.
0 = black and 1 = white
Flower Cluster Density: This setting is specific to the flowers allowing them to spawn in groups instead of randomly, this setting will remove some cluster groups completely. From 0 to 1.