πAutomatic audio and waterfall (beta)
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The second part of the tool is reserved for rivers only. It allows you to add audio along the river automatically. The audio is split into 3 areas decided by the slope of the river.
Calm water, running water, and waterfall.
The audio is also controlled by a database you can easily customize (more on that later).
First, create a new data asset
Then create a PDA_RiverAudio
Once created you can fill the data with your audio and sound distance it can be heard
Inside the drawing tool, you can then select River and add your audio database.
Add Audio: Set to true to add audio
River Audio: Add here your own data for the audio
Following the 10/30 that means...
Lakes only have one audio near the edge and don't have slopes so the workflow is simplified. You only need to set the audio distance and the audio you want to use.
Inside BP_Waterfall you can switch the effect to use any of your effects.
Note that the current example uses Niagara but you can also remove it and switch to the old Fx system.
To reduce the density you can go inside the PCG_Road_Water and tweak the Density Filter Lower Bound.
The Transform Point can also be tweaked to adjust the position/rotation and scale of the waterfall effect. You can also randomize all those transforms.