ðŸ’ūData Assets

Data assets are files containing information like which mesh to use, the scales, transform, etc...

In the demo, they are all placed under MassiveVillage/Data/DataAsset. For example inside the folder Building you can open DA_DemoHouses and it will look like this.

In this example, you can see in the top right that the data asset is of type PDA_Building. So like the name says, it is for the buildings. You will create (or duplicate) this to create your new list of houses to use and then add it to your new village.

Multiple buildings can be added to each data asset, like this example you can see Index (0) and Index (1) for the 2 houses available with the demo. In this example, the building can hold more data assets for things like doors and lights.

Here the multiple types of data assets

  • PDA_Building

  • PDA_VillageObject

  • PDA_VillageActor

  • PDA_Vegetation

Note that the data asset can be placed anywhere in your project.

Creating a building data asset

Let's create our first building asset.

  1. Right-click in the content browser

  2. Type data asset

  3. Click on PDA_Building to create a new one

  4. Then name it to fit the building type

You can also duplicate the demo building data asset.

Last updated